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Sway App 

On the Sway App I directed multiple projects. This is a collection of the most relevant ones.



The Sway App went through multiple changes in a short spam of time. Being responsible for the creative content, our main job was finding ways to maintain our advertisement up to date both with our product and our consumer's interests.


These ads were mainly designed for both Tiktok and Google and I was responsible for creative, design and editing together with Aimee Curran.



TikTok Influencer Campaigns

We worked with relevant influencers from the community, their task was to create an organic post that promoted Sway in their own  original way. This campaigns served a double purpose. On one hand we wanted to show our app to potential users, but also we wanted to see how the influencers would react to the app and create original content. In this way we could get feedback from both creators and consumers.

In order to connect, grow and better understand our community we developed multiple campaigns and channels of communication.


Our users went beyond the Sway app and joined us on others like Tiktok and Discord, and in turn they helped us grow our community and shape our development efforts and brand.




This merchandise was mainly designed to be given to our community. For that Aimee Curran and I decided to get inspiration from street wear as well as from graphic manga/anime tees . I created the initial concept and then directed Chan Yin on the Illustration.

Artist Featured in this Project:

Aimee Curran 

Chan Yin

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